At Trinity, we confess the same basic beliefs that Christians throughout the world have confessed for almost 2,000 years—the same core truths the first followers of Jesus proclaimed after his death and resurrection. Christians have summarized this teaching with the Apostle’s Creed:

I believe in God, the Father Almighty
maker of heaven and earth.
And in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord,
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit.
born of the virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died and was buried.
He descended into hell.
The third day He rose again from the dead.
He ascended into heaven
and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty.
From thence He will come to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy Christian church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and the life everlasting, Amen.

Want to know more? Check out specific topics below:

  • The Bible is the inspired and inerrant Word of God, the only infallible rule of faith and practice.

To learn more about who God is and who we are in relation to Him, we delight to read and listen to His Word, both written and preached. The Bible is God’s inspired Word, the only perfect rule for faith, doctrine, and conduct. It shows us His redemptive Story from beginning to end – Him as the One come to save, and us as His beloved, but immensely needy children. His Word nourishes and strengthens us to press on day by day, and it serves to mold us more and more into the likeness of Christ, with the help of His Spirit. ( II Timothy 3:16-17 ; Psalm 119:11, 28, 114 )

  • There is one God, eternal and self-existing in three persons (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) who are to be equally loved, honored, and adored.

While the doctrine of the Trinity is difficult for us to understand fully, Scripture teaches that we are to worship the one true God – who is comprised of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit – and Him alone. This God is not solitary or ‘far off’, but exists in relationship, in fellowship, in Love with Himself – and He desires for us to enter into His Love. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are all at work in separate, but unified ways, to make it possible for us to know and be one with our Creator and Redeemer. ( Ephesians 4:4-6 ; I Timothy 2:5 )

  • All mankind participated in Adam’s fall from his original sinless state and are thus lost in sin and totally helpless.

All of us are works-in-progress. None of us have life or faith ‘figured out.’ What we do know is that, while we all fall short, we all sin, we all wander around aimlessly in the dark of this world, there is One who has come to save us, to restore our relationship with God Himself. This ‘One’ is Jesus Christ. ( Genesis 3:6-8 ; Romans 3:23-24 ).

  • The Sovereign God, for no other reason than His own unfathomable love and mercy, has chosen lost sinners from every nation to be redeemed by the quickening power of the Holy Spirit and through the atoning death and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ.
  • Those sinners whom the Spirit quickens, come to believe in Christ as Savior by the Word of God, are born again, become sons of God, and persevere in Christ.
  • Justification is by faith, and through it, the undeserving sinner is clothed with the righteousness of Christ.

We, who are a sinful and broken people, Christ chooses to redeem by grace alone through faith. He saves us from a life of darkness and despair in order that we may walk in freedom, joy, and new life in Him! We love Him and bless Him for this great act of mercy! All we seek to be and do is motivated by this love for our Beloved King, Jesus. ( Romans 5:17 ; Galatians 4:4-7 )

  • The goal of God’s salvation in the life of the Christian is holiness, good works, and service for the glory of God.

In response to His kindness to us, we want to worship Him! This is the aim and purpose of humanity and all creation. In worship, we gratefully submit to God, willingly humbling ourselves before our Creator and Redeemer. Worship, then, is a combination of shouting and silence; of singing and meditation; of doing and listening. It can and should take many forms, and be a characteristic way of life for us. ( Psalm 86:9 ; Romans 12:1 )

As the Body of Christ, we rely upon one another to bear each other’s burdens, to share in each other’s joys, to sharpen and encourage one another, and to continually point us back to Him. Acknowledging our inability to make it through this world alone, we move toward one another in tenderness, seeking unity and peace in the ordinary moments of life as we work, play, worship, feast, and rest together. ( Hebrews 10:24-25 ; Romans 12:14-18 )

  • At death the Christian’s soul passes immediately into the presence of God and the unbeliever’s soul is eternally separated from God unto condemnation.

As those who are united to Christ by faith, we don’t fear death, but trust that He will carry us through all death and darkness, and usher us safely into His kingdom. Though at death our bodies are temporarily perishable, sown into the dust of the earth, we believe that God, in His power and goodness, will raise His children as imperishable, to live forever with Him in Love. ( I Corinthians 15:42-49 )

  • Baptism is a sign and seal of God’s covenant with us and is properly administered to children of believers in their infancy as well as to those who come as adults to trust in Christ.

In our baptism, we are buried with Christ in death, and joined to Him, so that as the waters of judgement pass over us, we are not swept away. We are identified with Christ in His death, so that we might also be identified with Him in His resurrection. ( Matthew 3:11 ; Colossians 2:11-4 )

  • The Lord’s Supper is a memorial meal of bread and wine, the eating of which is, by faith, a participation in the body and blood of Jesus Christ. It is administered to baptized believers.

We come to the Lord’s table to eat His Supper together, being strengthened and nourished to press on in the faith, remembering the sacrifice Christ made on our behalf, and greatly anticipating the Forever Feast that is yet to come! ( Luke 22:14-20 ; I Corinthians 11:23-26 )

  • Jesus Christ will return to earth, visibly and bodily, at a time when He is not expected, to consummate history and the eternal plan of God.

This is what we, who know Christ, long for – the coming again of our Good King who will reign victoriously and make all things right! Christ, the Bridegroom, will come to wed Himself fully to His bride, the Church. And we will live and reign with Him for all eternity – body and spirit, remade into His image! What joy and hope we know now even as we anticipate His coming again in glory! ( I Corinthians 15:50-57 ; Revelation 21:1-5 )

  • The Gospel of God’s salvation in Jesus Christ must be published to all the world as a witness before Jesus Christ returns.

We are strengthened corporately to then go out into the world, a missional people – intentionally living the Gospel amongst our neighbors. We speak, serve, and act in the love of Christ as we interact with those with whom we come in contact – our hope being that others might be drawn to Him, and might know more of what creation, humanity, was always meant to be. ( Matthew 28:19-20 ; Matthew 22:37-39 )

  • In addition to these core beliefs, Trinity shares specific beliefs with the churches of the Protestant Reformation, a historic movement of Christians “re-forming” their lives around Jesus and the teaching of the Scriptures. 
  • Among these Reformation churches, Trinity is a member congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), one of the presbyterian denominations that has remained true to the teaching of the Scriptures and their historic statement of faith, the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms (which can be found here:

Know that you do not have to “be a Presbyterian” to come to Trinity. In fact, none of our pastors or elders grew up in this tradition! The same is true for the majority of folks at Trinity. We find that people from all backgrounds have found a home at Trinity. When they tell us what drew them, they usually mention our emphasis on salvation through Jesus Christ, our commitment to the preaching of God’s Word, our reverent worship, and the loving fellowship of our community. We’d love to have you share in this joy with us!

It's Christ we seek. And we invite you to seek Him with us.

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