Every Sunday, God calls us together to renew covenant with Him.
In His great mercy, He cleanses us from our sin, assures us of His constant love for us, and strengthens us as a community for holy living. He graciously gives us nourishment for our souls from His Word and invites us to feast with Him at His Table. And in response, we delight to give back to Him all that we can in worship – praise, honor, thanksgiving, the surrender of our very selves to His will and His ways.
What to expect
Sunday School
9:00-10:00 a.m.
We begin our Sunday mornings with Sunday School, which gives both adults and children the chance to know Scripture in a deeper, richer way. Currently we are all studying the same portion of the Word each Sunday, from the youngest to the oldest among us. This makes it easy for us to discuss what we are learning and to share together in a love of His word and His story.
Younger children meet for a time of singing in the sanctuary before being directed to classes for ages 2-3, ages 4-5, 1st-2nd grade, and 3rd-5th grade. A class for students 6-12th grade and a class for adults each meet right at 9 in classrooms in the back hallway, through the Fellowship Hall.
If you need help finding where to go, just ask!
Fellowship Time
10:00-10:30 a.m.
Part of knowing more of Christ is getting to know more about His people, sharing our lives with one another, both the beautiful and the broken parts. We take this time to visit, check-in, ask questions, and share a cup of hot coffee or tea together in the Fellowship Hall. Oftentimes, the children of the church will play a rousing game of ping pong or soccer while the adults engage in conversation.
Worship Service
10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
For those who are unable to attend, you can watch the live stream of our service each week here:
We continue the morning with a time of worship as God invites us to enter into His presence. We raise our voices in song, we greet one another in the name of Jesus, we confess our sins both individually and corporately. We speak confidently, with one voice, a creed or confession of faith; affirming the identity of Christ as Savior and Master. Remembering our identity as His beloved but wayward children, we listen to God’s Word, read and preached. We eat and drink together, His broken body and poured out blood, remembering the sacrifice He made on our behalf and greatly anticipating the Forever Feast that is yet to come. We are then sent out, back into the world – no longer so weary and burdened – but renewed, peace-filled, teeming with Life and Hope.
We love to have children engaged in the Worship Service right alongside the adults, even when more noise or mess ensues. Children and adults alike learn by repetition and we are all formed and shaped by the rhythms of the worship service, no matter our age or stage. That said, a nursery is available for young children too, if you would find that helpful.